Here we go again!

We are hearing from insiders at the Capitol that Rep. Matt Lehman is telling people within his district Constitutional Carry is NOT on the legislative agenda for the 2022 Legislative Session.

It is no surprise that anti-gun members of the Republican establishment are currently scheming in the back of a smoke-filled cocktail lounge in downtown Indianapolis in an attempt to delay your gun rights yet again.

As I am sure you remember, last session the Indiana House passed a watered-down gun control database Constitutional Carry bill in an elaborate skirt cleaning exercise to have their voters think they are pro-gun.

The language in that bill ultimately led to the bill’s death in the Senate.

Now it looks like Indiana House Republicans would rather run and hide than restore the gun rights of Hoosiers.

That is why I need you to call Republican House Leadership and DEMAND they pass Constitutional Carry in 2022:

Speaker Todd Hudson: (317) 232-9677
Majority Leader Matt Lehman:
(317) 234-9380

It’s clear House Majority Leader Lehman is carrying the water for Speaker Huston and the rest of House Leadership.

But this shouldn’t be a surprise coming from Lehman.

To those who don’t remember, Rep. Lehman took money from the Bloomberg-backed Everytown for Gun Safety during the last election.

That is why you must call House Leadership so they know you EXPECT them to pass clean pro-gun legislation they all promise to every election cycle.

With Republicans holding a supermajority in the House, it comes as a shock that they continue to REFUSE to pass this important pro-gun legislation.

Restoring your gun rights should be an easy decision for the House Republicans, and Hoosiers have waited long enough!

With five new states joining the ranks of Constitutional Carry this year Indiana is now at risk of falling behind the rest of the country in 2022.

I know we can make Constitutional Carry a reality in Indiana and join the 21 other states with Constitutional Carry.

So please call at the numbers above and tell House Republican Leadership enough is enough and that it is time to pass TRUE Constitutional Carry!

Hoosier Gun Rights is committed to fighting for the restoration of your gun rights till the end.

But only with the continued activism of pro-gun Hoosiers like you will we make it happen.

So after you contact Republican House Leadership, please consider chipping in $30 or $15 to help us mobilize more gun owners for Constitutional Carry in Indiana.

I know I can count on you, Will.

For Freedom,

Will Fite
Director of Legislation
Hoosier Gun Rights

P.S We are hearing from insiders at the Capitol that Rep. Matt Lehman is telling people within his district Constitutional Carry is NOT on the legislative agenda for the 2022 Legislative Session.

Just last session, the Indiana House passed a watered-down gun control database Constitutional Carry bill in an elaborate skirt cleaning exercise to have their voters think they are pro-gun.

Now it looks like Indiana House Republicans would rather run and hide than restore the gun rights of Hoosiers.

So contact Republican House Leadership below, and please consider chipping in $30 or $15 to help us mobilize more gun owners for Constitutional Carry in Indiana.

Speaker Todd Hudson: (317) 232-9677
Majority Leader Matt Lehman:
(317) 234-9380